Discover the many health benefits of the jujube fruit
The delicious and nutritious ancient superfood

Not only does Jujube Australia create the tastiest jujubes the land has to offer, we’re also here to spread the word about the super health benefits of the jujube fruit.
They are loved for their delicious flavour, but did you know that jujubes are also bursting with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids and phenolics? Just ONE of our fresh jujubes contains your daily Vitamin C requirements based on World Health Organisation guidelines. In fact, our jujubes have over 100x more Vitamin C than an apple, and 10x more than an orange!
Jujubes have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 4,000 years to help relax the body and calm the mind, among many other benefits. Discover some of the health perks of the beloved jujube fruit:
- Promotes high quality sleep
- Soothes symptoms of anxiety
- Improves digestive health
- Incredible for the skin