See what has been happening at Jujube Australia

Ask Dr Jujube: Episode 1. How to plant a jujube tree
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Growing jujubes at Jujube Australia
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Chico jujubes are here!
Our Chico jujubes are ripening! This means that you can order our sweet and crunchy Chico jujubes right now from our website. And we have a surprise too - an option to purchase a beautiful, high quality gloss box that holds 1.5 kg of fresh jujubes. A perfect gift to surprise your family and friends and help celebrate the Lunar...
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Celebrate Lunar New Year with us!
Celebrate the Lunar New Year with FREE tastings of our new and decadent jujube chocolate range! Jujube Australia has collaborated with Sisko Chocolate to offer FREE tastings this Friday 8th Feb at Eastland in Melbourne. Tastings run all day or until our delectable chocolates run out!
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More jujube health benefits revealed...
Great to see more health benefits being published about the wonderful jujube fruit! Check out the link below:
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Dried jujubes are here!
Our dried jujubes are now available to purchase! After being dried to be just right, our nutrient packed jujubes are delicious and chewy and ready to be devoured! You can buy our dried jujubes today. Our quality is excellent this year and stocks are limited!
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Jujubes enjoy a sleep-in too!
Our jujube trees had a long sleep-in this season following a cool start to Spring. But the good news is that their fruit is now ripening beautifully in the Mildura sunshine, with our Chico jujubes leading the way in transforming from green to red. Crisp, delicious and nutritious - so good!
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Fresh jujubes almost here!
Get ready for the 2016 arrival of our nutrient packed jujubes! Our delicious jujubes continue to develop under the brilliant Mildura sunshine, so it won't be long before you can enjoy the crisp, sweet flavour that only the jujube can deliver. If you cannot find our fresh jujubes at your local fruit shop (we send fruit into Melbourne, Sydney and...
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Meet Finn the jujube
Our jujubes are packed with personality, none more so than this character that we discovered during our 2015 harvest. We named this jujube Finn. Needless to say, nobody at Jujube Australia could contemplate eating Finn the jujube, so Finn took pride of place on a shelf in our packing shed where he kept a close eye on the harvest.
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Look up in the air - it's, it's...netting!
Not surprisingly, parrots love jujubes too! Perhaps a little bit too much though... As word has spread among our surrounding parrot population about the tastiness of our jujubes we have found it necessary to net our orchard to protect the fruit. Back to your native diet thanks parrots! And a pleasant surprise awaits our jujube trees when they wake from their winter slumber...
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Dried Jujubes are Back!
Phew! The wait is over! Our 2015 harvest jujubes have been fully ripened on the tree, then carefully picked and dried to transform into delicious and chewy red dates. Your patience is now rewarded with sweet and nutritious jujubes to sustain your body and soul - enjoy!
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Picking and packing jujubes
Our pickers and packers Finn, Chiara and Flo are expertly packing our remaining jujubes after another busy harvest in 2014. And thanks again to our wonderful customers across Australia for your valued patronage again this year.
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Baby jujubes...
Our jujube trees are loving the spring sunshine and adding a cloak of foliage to their winter skeletons. And the first of our baby jujubes are now appearing - isn't this one cute! Fingers crossed that you and your flower friends may grow into nourishing fruit and put a smile on a great many faces.
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Box makers taking a break
Thanks to our dedicated box making team for supplying boxes for our jujubes during 2013!
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Jujube harvest almost complete...
Wow, what a busy 6+ weeks we have had harvesting our jujube fruit. Most of our fresh jujubes have now been devoured by our wonderful customers in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. And whilst the fresh harvest is sadly almost complete, take solace in the knowledge that we now have plenty of dried jujube of excellent quality to provide sustenance and winter...
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Jujube harvest is underway...
Our harvest of jujube fruit is underway! True to form, our Pear jujubes have been the first to ripen and leap into our solar fruit drier. Here the jujube transforms from a perfectly ripe and crunchy fruit into a wrinkly, sweet and chewy red date - yum!
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New jujube boxes
Can't wait to try fresh jujubes in 2014? Then look out for our brand new, bright yellow box with the dragon logo! Buying your fresh jujubes from Jujube Australia means that you receive top quality jujubes that are simply delicious.
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